Liquefier Recovery

A helium liquefier, associated compressors and large Helium gas storage tanks were recovered from the old Alpha-2 building at Y-12 ahead of its imminent demolition. They have a new lease on life and will supply the nEDM@SNS experiment with up to 40 liters of liquid helium per hours at a …

SULI Posters

Two SULI recently completed all-virtual summer internships working on the nEDM@SNS experiment. Devon Loomis carried out simulations to optimize the design of the measurement cell windows and shielding and Michael Kline pioneered spin-tracking simulations using an array of GPUs.

Cryo B Monitor

The nEDM@SNS experiment requires a magnetic field monitor operating near absolute zero temperature. Operating at zero temperature, especially given the experiment’s metallic keep-out zone is challenging. The cryogenic magnetic field monitor was recently completed at the University of Kentucky.  

Building Updates

Building 8713 at the Spallation Neutron Source provides a home for experiments carried out at the Fundamental Neutron Physics Beamline. A recent facelift (removal of a stairway and addition of a new roll-up door) prepared the way for installation of the first nEDM@SNS equipment.       

IMV Fabrication

The Inner Magnet Volume (or IMV) holds the nEDM@SNS magnet package. It is maintained near 4 degrees Kelvin by a flow of cooled Helium gas providing thermal shielding that keeps the internal components of the experiment cold. Fabrication of the IMV was recently completed at Alloy Fabrications, in Clinton Tennessee

Gluing Hoops Movie

The “hoops” that form the heart of the magnet coil spaceframe are made by gluing together a number of arc segments to symmetrize shrinkage when the magnet is cooled. The gluing process, which must be completed quickly (due to set time of the epoxy) and carefully (due to stringent positioning …