Magnet Construction Update
Large size, cooling requirements, non-metallic construction all combine to make the nEDM@SNS magnet a complicated engineering and assembly challenge. Construction of the magnet is now well underway at Caltech.
Large size, cooling requirements, non-metallic construction all combine to make the nEDM@SNS magnet a complicated engineering and assembly challenge. Construction of the magnet is now well underway at Caltech.
The nEDM@SNS experimental signal is a burst of scintillation light following the capture of a neutron by a Helium-3 nucleus. Processing electronics that use silicon photomultipliers to count the number of emitted photons and record their arrival time have now been completely tested.
Unusual requirements for the nEDM@SNS experimental building include a magnetic keep-out zone near the apparatus and a deep basement for access to the cryogenic interior. Final design of the building was recently completed. 3D CAD model of nEDM@SNS experimental building. Drawing of the experimental building and environs from final design …
Non-magnetic components for the Dilution Refrigerator arrived at Indiana University in preparation for assembly.
A helium liquefier, associated compressors and large Helium gas storage tanks were recovered from the old Alpha-2 building at Y-12 ahead of its imminent demolition. They have a new lease on life and will supply the nEDM@SNS experiment with up to 40 liters of liquid helium per hours at a …
The final design of the nEDM@SNS Cryovessel (a large aluminum vacuum vessel which functions effectively like a giant thermos) was recently completed. Long-leadtime components are being ordered and fabrication will be starting imminently.
Two SULI recently completed all-virtual summer internships working on the nEDM@SNS experiment. Devon Loomis carried out simulations to optimize the design of the measurement cell windows and shielding and Michael Kline pioneered spin-tracking simulations using an array of GPUs.
The nEDM@SNS experiment requires a magnetic field monitor operating near absolute zero temperature. Operating at zero temperature, especially given the experiment’s metallic keep-out zone is challenging. The cryogenic magnetic field monitor was recently completed at the University of Kentucky.
Building 8713 at the Spallation Neutron Source provides a home for experiments carried out at the Fundamental Neutron Physics Beamline. A recent facelift (removal of a stairway and addition of a new roll-up door) prepared the way for installation of the first nEDM@SNS equipment.
The Inner Magnet Volume (or IMV) holds the nEDM@SNS magnet package. It is maintained near 4 degrees Kelvin by a flow of cooled Helium gas providing thermal shielding that keeps the internal components of the experiment cold. Fabrication of the IMV was recently completed at Alloy Fabrications, in Clinton Tennessee